May 2021 Author Update

road traffic landscape street

Hey guys, Happy Memorial Day!

Things went a little quiet for a few weeks, but I’m back. If you followed along on the Facebook page, you know why. The rubber’s really meeting the pavement.

First Draft’s Done!

red and white balloons on white wall
Photo by Natalie on

My course at Write Practice has officially ended with a full narrative. It was a long battle. Writing the middle was rough, but I got through it. In a hundred days, I’ve come out with a new first draft, and it’s slowly but surely coming along.

Here’s a teaser for that.

Lafonda and Leo Heroes of the Land

brown ostrich
Photo by Adriaan Greyling on

It wouldn’t be an update without mentioning my upcoming book. I’m looking into setting a date possibly between August 18th to Sept 1st. I’d like it on a Tuesday preferably.

The book has cleaned up well. Maybe just a bit more scrubbing of those stubborn spots and she’ll shiny, new wet behind the ears come publishing.

I’m really proud of this story, and hope you guys will love it too.

It’s about a gnome boy (glow in the dark belly button gnome to be precise,) and a rhyming ostrich who must team up to become heroes and stop an evil witch’s rule over the land around Cedar Run.

The story’s whimsical and funny and very imaginative. It has lots of humor and I feel it really made me grow as an author.

Just the other day I talked with some friends, retelling the process, and explained how the greatest part about writing this one was I knew every week when I shared my progress people wanted to read this story. People, some I hadn’t known before, wanted to follow along and enjoyed it. One of the best things about being a writer is knowing I made someone happy. 

So here’s hoping to a wonderful launch. If I’m honest, I’m a little nervous, but I feel confident things will go smoothly.

Advance Reader Copies,

If anyone would like an advance reader copy of my upcoming book, please let me know. I’m garnering a list. All I ask is to please leave an honest review in exchange. This way other people can find out about the book and decide if it’s for them.


I’m looking into making a more formal newsletter. Apparently the way I’ve been running isn’t a true mailing service. More of a free function of WordPress/Jetpack. Who knew? This may be a bit of a learning curve for me so I apologize in advance for any of the bugs, but I’d really appreciate sign ups for those who are interested.

I’m trying to grow the audience and keep in touch with those trying to reach me and learn about my books, and this seems like the next step. So it’s onward to Convertkit—as intimidating as it may be.


One of my friends is looking to stream or home games through Twitch, and if so I may post recordings on my YouTube channel. This is more of a tentative footnote, but I felt it was worth mentioning. We’ve talked about it for a while now, but we’ve never been sure how to do it.

I’ve been a dungeon master about two years and really enjoy it. We play every week, twice a week before the pandemic. Recently, a friend of mine and I have been trading off nights, so it’s nice to be a player for a change.

I play as 2’2″ Blue Kobold named Boo-boo, who fervently believes he’s a dragon. He wears a crown of olives atop his head and a bandage over his snout and ankle. He’s a bit manipulative and standoffish at first, but he’s a cute kobold.

walt disney castle
Photo by Benjamin Suter on

Mostly importantly, he has devised a clever five-step plan for world domination and becoming King of Dragons.

  1. – Sprout wings
  2. – Breathe fire
  3. – Marriage???
  4. – Gold
  5. – World Domination!!!

Simple enough, and “that is good enough for Boo-Boo.” In short there’s lot’s of Pinky and the Brain antics with him “creating minions” with small children and social awkwardness as a feral child being raised by wolves. Which is funny because he’s a druid and sorcerer who lives by charisma.

He tries hard to be intimidating, throwing around his whopping 22 pounds, but deep down he’s just a manic lizard puppy than a true villain. That’s Lawful neutral for those who still follow alignment.

Other nights, I’m the dungeon master who creates the world and facilitates the story in a modified world of Kanaa. If we were to start next week, I’d be running the game. I’ll have to follow-up on this if I know we’re streaming anything.

Closing Remarks

That about wraps the news this week. Be sure to stay posted for info on Lafonda and Leo on a few more months and it is here!

Until next time,

Keep Writing!
