April 2021 Author Update

white blue and purple stars illustration

Hey guys,

I originally planned a different post this month after talking with a writer friend of mine about ideas and imposter syndrome. But for now, that’s on the back burner. Life got in the way again. I’m just finally feeling a bit more comfortable with my new job, and my word count is showing it. I wrote almost triple my regular output a week ago.

My weekly goal jumped to 12,500 words from 5400. It’s a little high, but I’ve kept it so far.

Well, without further ado, here’s the scoop of what I’ve been up to.

Hollow’s Heist progress-

The book’s still rough and sitting pretty at 91.5k words. It’s still only three quarters the way through the first draft, but I hope to have it done by May 21st. Otherwise, I lose a hundred bucks. Money’s a good motivator.

The book’s tone has been a change too from what I’m used to writing. It feels gritty and unforgiving compared to the wonder and comedy of my previous stories. The humor feels more sarcastic and at times almost cynical like the earlier drafts of Vestige. Almost like a Noir or Cyberpunk. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable sharing parts yet, nor happy with its current state.

Some of the character relationships have been a bit frustrating and I feel they need ironing out a touch more, but the stakes should raise significantly in the next chapter. The pace has been the most frustrating thing, and I’m debating how to cut two characters altogether in the rewrite.

One person I feel is stealing the spotlight too much, and while I really want to tell their story in the subplot, it may not be too important. Time is slipping.

Needless to say, I have about 20-50k words I need to write in four weeks. Wish me luck.

Lafonda and Leo Heroes of the Land Update-

grey bird in close up photography
Photo by Markus Distelrath on Pexels.com

So, I have good news; I received the manuscript back from my editor and I’m looking to build a launch team soon! So if you’re interested in reading an advance copy for review, please let me know in the comments or message me.

The book should tentatively drop late this August, but maybe sooner. It’s a middle grade fantasy novel about a gnome and an ostrich teaming up as heroes to stop an evil witch from destroying their town and save their homes. It’s lighthearted and hilarious and I’m pretty proud of it.

I hope to buckle down on last minute polishing and formatting after my class ends around the beginning of June/ late May.

As per usual, you guys get sneak peeks at the cover. 😉

Fantasy Inn

Somehow I missed sharing this interview while competing in the SPFBO. A special thanks goes to Fantasy Inn for this opportunity! Sorry I didn’t post this sooner.

Vestige Updates

After this class, I’m looking into revamping the covers for the Vestige Saga. It may need a fresh look with its new edition. Again, this depends how things go. My focus right now is finishing Hollow’s Heist, then publishing Lafonda and Leo.

In other news, ACX said I should hear back sometime next month whether my audiobook passed their quality assurance. So for those hoping to pick up the book on Audible, your wait may be over soon. Fingers crossed.

Currently it is on iTunes and many other platforms.

In Conclusion

That about does it. If you want more fantasy/D&D, and to stay up to date for my next release or whatever I’m working on, be sure to subscribe. This site is the inner circle here where I share the good, bad, and the ugly.

Hopefully by the next update, I’ll have a finished first draft of something different in hand. Then starts the fun of a new release. I’m thrilled how this next book turned out, and I hope you guys will like it too.

Until next time,

Keep writing!
