Here’s to a Momentous New Year

Welcoming the new year

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to give an update on the website and content going forward, as well as taking a moment to appreciate the year now passed.

I have three posts in the works but have hit numerous dead ends and roadblocks on the technology side. Some plugins weren’t cooperating with others, and I could go on. Like I have said before, it’s been a learning experience.

I also have a big surprise with a project mostly under wraps so stay tuned. More content is coming soon. Rest assured.

I appreciate the patience and support throughout the year of those who’ve read my stories and posts both here and on

2019 at a glance

2019 was the year I officially became an author with the short story “For Tomorrow We Die.” It was a momentous occasion and a huge milestone for my dream of becoming an author. And although I’m not the honestly the proudest of that story, I guess I should. I had achieved something many aspire to do but fall short. I published a story, and I’m thankful for that.

2019 became the year I committed another passion of mine. After months of practically begging my friends, we formed a regular guys group. Every Friday turned into D&D night, and the adventures have never stopped since. One of my friends in that group went even as far as to recommend me as a dungeon master to another group of his friends (complete strangers to me.)

Now after researching and daydreaming about playing this game for months, I run two games a week, every week, and have been for close to six months. I’ve come to know them better and developed several lasting friendships.

This hobby helped rekindle my passion for storytelling again after the strain of the editing process, repeated failures, and crippling self-doubt had brought me down. It’s my hope with The Tavern and an upcoming post that I can discuss this and help others.

Preview for The Well

Speaking of blog posts (totally unforced transition,) I plan on posting the first piece on The Well soon.

The upcoming post will be discussing Genesis 1. I felt there’s a lot of material to discuss. Use of anaphora, origin stories in literature, how to interpret exegesis vs eisegesis, the list goes on. Heck, you could camp out in the first eleven chapters for a while.

There’s just one problem. I’m debating on the structure and how to make it benefit both authors and those who are curious about the Bible. In school, they expected u to know these things, but no really taught us.

If you have any suggestions for that or any content you would like me to discuss in the new year, feel free to comment below.

Carrying over from 2018 into 2019, I’ve attempted to carry the torch of being a youth sponsor handed down by those before me in my church. I would have never come to know the love of my savior and my Father had the youth group been in place, so it’s been very important to me.

Carrying over from 2018 into 2019, I’ve attempted to carry the torch of being a youth sponsor handed down by those before me in my church. I would have never come to know the love of my savior and my Father had the youth group been in place, so it’s been very important to me.

Wrapping up

Again in 2019, I became an author. I want this year to continue this dream forward. Also, I want to take a moment to thank those who made this a reality.  You know who you are. Thank you!

Here’s to a wonderful new year,


2 thoughts on “Here’s to a Momentous New Year

  1. Thanks for the update Antonio. Oh my, you’ve been busy. I’m reading, “For Tomorrow We Die,” as I comment. The Title is intriguing. Look for my review soon.

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