February 2022 Author Update

white and black wooden board

Hey Guys,

It’s that time of the month again where I break down what next down the pike in terms of my writing.

You’re going to have to forgive me that words may not come out write as I’m exhausted from fighting a stomach bug, but I wanted to make sure that I got this article out for you all.

So without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

How’s Hollow’s Heist?

I’m still plugging away at applying changes based on beta reader feedback, but I’m almost finished. There’s three chapters I may cut and another I may add back in for balance concerns. I’ve personally reread the first chapter and hammering down more points, but I think many things need more polish and explanation to ground the world and themes.

Ultimately, I’m considering a prequel to give two characters some more weight. Those who read this version of an antagonist all agreed that they hated him, but I want there to be some substance that the audience can understand why he is what he is. I also want the audience to be able have an idea how the phoenix got where she did (further hammering down her importance.)

One other point to mention, the book may need a name change. Calling the story a heist implies that it is a heist, when Psyche has more of thriller and apprentice narrative going (with some steamy bits and action in-between 😉 )

Eventually I’d like to form a poll going so you all can play part in this as you guys are my audience. I’d like this to be a series, so people can be invested in these characters as much as I am, but adjusting to life outside of class has been hard.

New Works

I have a narrated poem going up on YouTube soon! And a short story I hope to share next month. I know last month I said it would be the opposite, but I want this story to be its best and it needs a bit more time in the oven. Shiny new idea syndrome has been driving me nuts, and I don’t know if I have the brain power on little sleep to dive into the rest. Everything’s still kinda fried.

Recently, I’ve tried to apply aspects of the class to organize my ideas, but the fact that I don’t have time to sit down, pour over the page, and type them is driving me up the wall. I’d rather do anything but editing. On the brightside, my room is CLEAN. Minus a little sickness from yesterday, but you get the point.

You can find the poem here when it goes up. More details to come on the short story.

A Secret Project

Some may not remember, but I’d hinted at a surprise last year that never came to light. It’s still on its way and shaping up nicely. I don’t know how much I’m allowed to divulge, so we’ll leave it there. I hope that doesn’t feel frustrating, but you’ll have to wait and see.


I wanted to give a shoutout to Indie Author Adrian Murphy for the community to check out the second book in his ForeSender Series. Full disclosure, I haven’t finished it (nor am I being paid to talk about this), but I’ve found the sub-plots interesting. Galindra, the main character, I had a hard time getting invested in, but more than likely that’s on me for not reading Book One. The story tries reasonably well to catch you up to speed.

It is an interesting blend of Sci-fi and fantasy that teeters not really one way more than the other. Personally, it felt more sci-fi to me, but I don’t want to sway anyone from forming their own opinions. Here’s a link to check it out for yourselves. You may like it.

Until next time,
