Cover Reveal!

You read that right. Above is the cover reveal! Final vote was 12-5 for the cover, favoring the cover on the right, but it didn’t stop there.

For those who voted for the left I asked why and made some changes to brighten the cover again, and there you have it. This is the grand reveal of the official cover of Lafonda and Leo Heroes of the Land. We did it guys! We are one step closer.

Thanks to everyone who voted. Your feedback is immeasurable. I’m prepping one last looksie from another editor before publishing. I wanted to make sure I didn’t add any fresh mistakes after the last pass, but then it’s off to the fun stuff.

I really can’t wait to put this book out into the world, and I hope you all will like it.

Please drop a comment if you’d be interested in reading an advanced copy. All I ask is for an honest review. Please. It really helps others discover the book and decide if it’s for them and us indie authors need all the help we can get.

All right that’s enough soap boxing. Thank you all!

Until next time,


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