Active Alumni’s New Anthology Release

Hey guys,

Just thought I’d share this.

A few writer buddies of mine at the Active Alumni Writers came together and published an anthology of short stories that launched today.

Even though, I’m not in it; the book might be worth checking out. It’s about a ride share driver who waits up in psychiatric ward, trying to uncover how he got there with police, recalling his passengers. Each passenger is a separate story.

Full disclosure, I haven’t read it yet. Usually Amazon has a look-inside feature, but I can’t get it to work

Here’s the link for the Amazon page.

It is on Kindle Unlimited as well. So if you’re in KU, you can read it for free. 🙂

If not it’s $2.99 for Kindle. I’ll be picking up a copy after this post to support them.

Check it out if it interests you. It’s not exactly Fantasy or Sci-fi, but maybe it will.

Until next time.

Keep Writing.
