September Author Update

woman draw a light bulb in white board

Hey guys,

It’s that time again.

Before I start, thank you for all of your kind words a couple posts ago. I even received a few emails, which was very kind of you guys. Thank you.

I’m feeling better and I’ve kept moving forward. It wasn’t easy at first. There were days I didn’t want to get out of bed.

Now I determined to keep doing what I love and make the changes needed.

I received some advice on how to process it and take this feedback, so I’ve set up an action plan for the Vestige Saga.

The Plan

Keep in mind none of this is set in stone. It’s tentative at the moment, but I’m planning on hiring a content editor and a line editor with each book. Depending on her feedback, then I’ll hire either a second set of eyes as needed.

Some good news, there’s a contract I’d signed at the beginning of August (before the review) for book one becoming an audiobook which is exciting.

It’s like launching the book all over again to a new audience. Originally, I wanted it to be a surprise when it was closer to launch, but I feel it’s worth mentioning now as part of the plan. Surprise!

After book one’s taken care of structurally and being recorded, and it pains me to say this, but I might redo the book covers for both books, and have What Lies Beneath given the same treatment.

Then after hopefully publishing Lafonda and Leo: Heroes of the Land, I’ll finish the third book in the series with newfound ideas and excitement.

I have a few other projects in the works, but this is just the plan I have at the moment.

The YouTube Channel.

As far as it stands, my scripts will most likely be recycled into blog posts because my schedule’s been crazy with writing, critiquing, and D&D taking up all my spare time, and I can’t skimp on those. Especially writing.

I had an interesting idea that could help some other self-published authors. What I held author interviews and recorded them? It would be short five to ten-minute videos unedited with authors discussing who they are, what they write, and what interests them.

But the twist is, it’s fun and energetic. Because, let’s face it, some podcasts are just boring. It needs a way that it benefits the authors and entertains the audience. So preferably the shorter, the better.

I had an idea that of like what if I held a lightning round where authors had thirty seconds to answer rapid-fire questions where the fans can get to know them better for simpler and personal things like “what’s your favorite color?, dogs vs. cats, etc.” They always can pass a question, there’s no pressure of course.

And best of all, the author with the highest score would hold the place on the “prestigious” mustache wall of fame. It would be cornerstone post or attached at the end of author updates each month of the top five to ten authors to check out.

Let me know the comments about your thoughts on it and if you’d be interested. It’s just an idea I’d been sitting on for a couple months. Without too much editing, I don’t it would be difficult. Scheduling with authors would be the only problem. And zoom seems to have easy recording capabilities and decent sound quality.

The Fall Contest

As of posting, I have heard little back from Short Fiction Break. Three fellow writers left some praise which made my day. Readers’ choice voting closed Sunday but hasn’t been updated other than to tell us it’s closed.

I encourage you guys to check out some stories when you get some free time. Mine is linked here. 


I had the wonderful opportunity to read an advance copy of a book by J. Sharpe that I feel’s worth checking out for those getting into self-publishing or a well-rounded sharpening of all the bases.

As of writing this right now, it’s only 99 cents. It was very practical and informative, walking step by step through the process of editing, publishing, and marketing, as well as some odds and ends advice from a hybrid author.

It goes in depth on some intricacies like ISBNS, keywords, and email lists, but doesn’t lecture you. It’s very practical, down to earth, and feels like anyone could pick it up and benefit.

I had to pay a LOT for courses on this stuff and for right now it’s pretty cheap, and worth every penny. So check it out if you’re interested.

I know this might feel like a sales pitch, but I recommend this book.

Wrapping Up

So, that’s what’s happened in my neck of the woods. Thanks again for all your encouragement guys. It means a lot.

I just posted a new chapter on the Write Practice Pro Community if you want the latest story fix. I have a couple article ideas floating around at the moment, but as usual let me know your thoughts.

Is there anything you want me to research? I considered contacting Active Alumni’s favorite editor for a guest post/interview.

What do you think about the author interviews? Would you watch them? Or would you rather be a part of it?

And as always,

Keep writing.
