Status Update & YouTube Sneak Preview

Hey guys,

I just wanted to give an update before the month was out, and preview for those that have been keeping up to date.

Anthem of Ink

So the fourteenth, I got an interview, and I’m currently awaiting a response for an editorial review. And if you read that interview, you would know I’m contemplating a YouTube channel. I named it Anthem of Ink since most of my stories start as pen and paper in composition books. It also sounds cool, so there’s that. lol.

My goal is to provide something meaningful for young authors like myself and to build an audience for my stories. I love storytelling and I wanna help others do the same. I’ve already written two scripts and designed a few odds and ends. The last of my equipment just hasn’t come by mail yet due to the virus.

Be sure to let me know your thoughts if there’s anything in particular that you’d like to see. My plan is to start with a small series going over the common pieces of writing advice and giving my two cents on “Does it work?” Then maybe post a short story a month to put my money where my mouth is.

Website Update

All this being said, “The Tavern,” and “The Well” may be on the chopping block at the moment. I wrote two articles for each, but never posted them. The Well’s because the poem I’d planned on using to valid my point got trashed somewhere since high school. Without the poem, it couldn’t drive it home.

On the other hand, “The Tavern’s” post I felt didn’t provide anything meaningful that hasn’t already been said better by someone else, or said by someone with more authority on the topic. I’m going to post the Tavern article to see if anyone would be interested. I  planned a series but never finished due to publishing my books.

Honestly, I wanted to continue this series. I feel I know a decent amount about both the Bible and D&D, but I don’t know if there’s interest, and I keep spreading myself too thin. My books need finishing, and I’ve entered a few short story contests.


Speaking of contests, I’ve entered two. I’m writing in the Write Practice Summer Short story contest and I submitted Vestige: Rise of the Pureblood to the Self Published Fantasy Blog-Off (SPFBO.)

Personally, I think I’m outmatched in both, but at the very least, it’s good publicity. K.M. Weiland entered the SPFBO this year, and I probably don’t stand a chance. A few members of the Active Alumni also posted some excellent stories in the Write Practice Contest, and I wish them the best of luck. Their stories are really good from the few I’ve read.

The only other submission I have to note is a work in progress short story for Taco Bell Quarterly. Stay Tuned.

The Preview

Now as promised, Here’s a preview into the rough script of one of my videos.

Thank you for reading, and Enjoy!
