Shaky September Author Update

landscape photo of green mountains

Hey guys,

It’s Antonio again.

True to my word, I’m posting two articles this month. It’s been a busy time here and I’ll dive right into it.

What projects are down the pike?

In short, I’m focusing all efforts at the moment on two books. Primarily, on my upcoming dark steampunk (working title:) Hollow’s Heist. I’m revising it through a strict regimen and hope to finish on Dec. 21st or earlier. Which honestly has been a bit of a struggle, but it’s coming along okay. I’m fourteen chapters in with an estimated 160,000 word count goal.

So doing the math after busting my behind, that’s currently 6748-ish words a week left, and it was closer to 12,000, hence why I am writing this the final day of the month. Sorry about that. I had wished to share my editing process via Twitch streams, but I can’t find the time with the heavy workload of my day job and routine.

Hollow’s Heist

My overall goal in editing this book revolves around buffing the villain’s plan and Psyche’s growth as an assassin. Currently, I worry her partner steals the spotlight at the midpoint and it bothers me. I plan to write two to four more chapters for the first half, and one towards the end to tie up two plot holes I realized. Again, everything’s a hopeful work in progress.

The action and the characters are great and my fellow authors who’ve read it seem to agree. The humor is a bit different from Lafonda and Leo, but two characters I feel add a nice breath of fresh air in this grim world of Kanaa.

Also cute animals. There’s a reason the shrink rat’s named Filch. He’s a heart swindler, and my fellow authors haven’t even read of Scowls yet.

I really hope people will give this book a chance. Earlier I had someone say he couldn’t finish the first chapter, and it about crippled me. They couldn’t finish chapter one! Oof, some days your book’s your baby, others an ugly stepson.

Luckily, other readers seem to like it, and that’s kept me going. Weezer’s Pork and Beans is still my rally cry/fight song, and “I’m going to do the things I want to do.” One of these days the books will take off. If it’s any consolation, he said he liked my characters. Again, people love animals. So that’s good I guess.

Other projects:

Song of Vashti needs a little work following the inciting incident, but it may need to be something I revise along the way or plot ahead. I’m just not sure yet. It’s on hold until December or Hollow’s Heist is ready.

Clover Pockets and Tales of the Undergrove saw a bit of its own facelift as I’ve worked up the courage to share portions at the library twice a month in their local writer’s guild. So that’s some good news too.

It’s funny. Everyone there seems to like my less serious fiction so much more. It’s strange. There’s still a lot of self doubt and messy emotions boiling while writing this story. Much like Lafonda and Leo, this one turned into a passion project that I’ll see where it takes me, but I don’t think I want it on the internet yet. Again, that’s just the ugly truth. Here I share the good, bad, and ugly.

Synder’s Gate, like the other two, sits on the shelf unless I win the lottery, lol. Hollow’s Heist has been as demanding as an infant. Honestly, I really think Paige has a better set up than Vashti’s story and a nice friendship than romance subplot for a change. It’s definitely the longest written, and I love the socially awkward AIs.

What do you guys want to see next?

This is a serious question and I want to check in on it. I can share more of what’s ready for Synder’s Gate or Song of Vashti if you’d like, but what would you guys prefer to read more?

Also, I want to share some more D&D content for the Tavern as it’s been a while. Too long, and I apologize. Let me know in the article’s comments or on Facebook what you are looking forward to and if you have any preferences.

Here’s a link to last post teasing a first draft of a fantasy romantic comedy, Song of Vashti.

Concluding remarks

I appreciate your patience. I’m trying to keep up the quality content over quantity. Two weeks ago, I had planned to post this article, but now that I’ve halved my weekly goal, everything should run smoothly from here.

Until next we speak,

Keep Writing,
