August 2020 Author Update

white clouds

Hey guys,

It’s that time again for another update of what I’ve been up to and how my next stories coming.

Typically, in these posts I share the good, bad and the ugly (no matter how bad,) so if you’re interested in seeing more of these be sure to join the newsletter.

With that out of the way, Let’s dive right into it.

Lafonda and Leo Heroes of the Land

We are ten days away from publishing. In ten days, August 17th, Lafonda and Leo Heroes on the land goes live on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback for the whole world to enjoy, and I couldn’t be more excited. In more good news, I finally received the paperback cover this week, so hopefully, both editions will be live at the same time.

I’ve received a few emails from people already saying how they like the book, and it has just made my day to hear it. I’d be lying if I didn’t say wasn’t a bit nervous and worried at times. So far things fallings into place slowly, but the anticipation is eating me.

I cannot thank all of you who agreed to read and advance copy enough. Your feedback and support have been immeasurable and set me at ease, and honestly, I couldn’t do this without you guys. Really. Thank you guys so much!

In celebration, I’ve planned all the kindle editions of my books to be on sale during that week. This is probably the best time to get Vestige and Lafonda and Leo for dirt cheap. I will have more details to come.

How’s my writing going?

It has been slow, but I’ve written some chapters here and there. Lafonda and Leo preparations consumed most of my writing time. Like I mentioned in June, I have been bouncing between three stories, switching whenever I feel stuck or have an idea for the other. I had hoped to finish one of them by Sept 13th. Long story short, while publishing one book, I don’t think it’s possible. I need some rest before the next 100 day course. I know you guys will understand. That’s not to say I’m not writing—my pace just may be slower than I’d like.

Below is the progress I’ve made.

Song of Vashti – WC (Word Count) 17,000~

I’m still not sure what I end up naming this story, but it is coming slowly, but surely. Last update of the book, it stood at about eight chapters. This week the book sits at eleven or twelve chapters. I hope to share another rough chapter next month as I just got some insight today from a fellow insight on how can revise a chapter and up the tension. I still feel I may to sit down and brainstorm this one a bit more.

Here’s a link to last post’s rough preview.

Tales of the Undergrove – WC 14,700~

I took the time to return to Clover’s story after being a bit discouraged and am not sure if I’m ready to share too much on this one, but I feel a bit more optimistic about how it’s turning out. I’ve written about another four thousand words here. Still not as much as I would like, unfortunately.

Synder’s Gate – WC 25,250~

Sadly, even though this is the furthest written, the other two have taken precedent. I’ve maybe written only a chapter or two for it since last month, but the manuscript stands at a hefty 25,250 words, give or take. It has a good direction. I only need time to write.

The main concept for this story is how the wizarding world of something like Harry Potter would respond to magic and what if they embraced it, keeping up with the times. In the book, young Paige Price finds herself chosen to stop these magical beasts known as Trojans and thrust into a journey to save her best friend.

Hollow’s Heist

Not much news here other than I’m eager to return to Psyche’s city and edit in its second draft. So many ideas have stirred in my head for the world of Kanaa and its creatures and I want to tweak the villain a bit, test some powers, explain some threads and make Psyche more driven.

What my goals for the rest of the month?

  1. Publish Lafonda and Leo Heroes of the Land (drops August 17th at 99 cents)
  2. Write as much as I can
  3. Rest up prepping for the next wave of editing Hollow’s Heist


I’m still considering whether to join Instagram, but publishing has taken priority. If you want any more up-to-date news or Ostrich memes, here’s the Facebook page.

Closing thoughts

Can you believe we are over halfway through 2021? It makes you stop and think where did it all go.

Looking head, Sept. 13th, I will start my second round of Write Practice’s 100 Day Book course. The goal is to finish a second draft in 100 days using the feedback from my story grid diagnostic for Hollow’s Heist. So my efforts will become more focused starting then, but I will still try to hold myself to post here twice a month per usual. I don’t plan on going anywhere. 🙂

This will be good discipline and I’ll be two steps ahead with books lined up when this edit is over. I’ve already decided I want to publish twice next year if I can manage it. Hollow’s Heist will be book one.

Thank you all for reading.

Until next time,

Keep writing!


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